
ciao is the command-line interface for the Cloud Integrated Advanced Orchestrator (CIAO). It sends HTTPS requests to the Ciao controller compute API endpoints.

The general form is ciao <verb> <noun> you can find many examples below.

Environment variables

ciao requires Cloud Integrated Advanced Orchestrator specific environment variables to retrieve credentials and networking information:

  • CIAO_CONTROLLER provides the controller URL
  • CIAO_CLIENT_CERT_FILE provides the certificate to authenticate against the controller
  • CIAO_CA_CERT_FILE (optional) use the supplied certificate as the CA

All those environment variables can be set through a sourced file. For example:

$ cat

export CIAO_CLIENT_CERT_FILE=$HOME/auth-testuser.pem

Controller certificate

ciao interacts with the controller instance over HTTPS. As such you will need to have the controller CA certificate available in order to make requests. You can either install the CA certificate system-wide:

  • On Fedora:
    $ sudo cp controller_ca_cert.pem /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/
    $ sudo update-ca-trust
  • On Ubuntu
    $ sudo cp controller_ca_cert.pem /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/controller.crt
    $ sudo update-ca-certificates

Or, alternatively the CA certificate can be specified with the CIAO_CA_CERT_FILE environment variable.

Priviledged versus non priviledged CIAO users

Administrators of a Cloud Integrated Advanced Orchestrator cluster are privileged users. Some ciao commands are privileged and can only be run by administrators.

Non privileged commands can be run by all users. Administrators will have to specify a tenant UUID through the CIAO_TENANT_ID environment variable :

$ CIAO_TENANT_ID=68a76514-5c8e-40a8-8c9e-0570a11d035b ciao list instances

Non privileged users belonging to several tenants can specify which tenant to use in the same way. If no tenant is specified the first in the certificate is used.

Non privileged users belonging to only one single tenant do not need to pass the tenant UUID:

$ ciao list instances


These examples assume you are running in an environment setup by ciao-deploy and all the required environment variables it reports are set.

List all compute nodes (Privileged)

$ CIAO_CLIENT_CERT_FILE=$CIAO_ADMIN_CLIENT_CERT_FILE ciao list nodes --compute-only

List all CNCIs (Privileged)


List all tenants/projects (Privileged)


List quotas

$ ciao list quotas

List all instances

$ ciao list instances

List all workloads

$ ciao list workloads

Launch a new instance

$ ciao create instance 69e84267-ed01-4738-b15f-b47de06b62e7

Launch 1000 new instances

$ ciao create instance 69e84267-ed01-4738-b15f-b47de06b62e7 --instances 1000

Stop a running instance

$ ciao stop instance 4c46ace5-cf92-4ce5-a0ac-68f6d524f8aa

Restart a stopped instance

$ ciao restart instance 4c46ace5-cf92-4ce5-a0ac-68f6d524f8aa

Delete an instance

$ ciao delete instance 4c46ace5-cf92-4ce5-a0ac-68f6d524f8aa

Delete all instances for a given tenant

$ ciao delete instance --all

List all cluster events (Privileged)


List all cluster events for a given tenant

$ ciao list events